Acțiune, schimbare, performanță Sunt trei cuvinte fără de care leadership-ul nu ar putea fi definit. Termen des întâlnit în organizațiile care se vor „de succes“, leadership-ul a început să fie predat, pentru prima dată, de către John Adair, undeva, în Marea Britanie. Acum, acesta vine și în România. Într-un dialog cu revista Capital, Marian Știrbescu, director general Axioma Solutions, unul dintre organizatorii conferinței „How To Grow Leaders – Romania“, unde Adair va fi prezent, vorbește despre importanța leadership-ului și șansele pe care le are România să devină puternică în regiune.
A: Yes, we should think now of leadership as existing on three broad levels: (1) Team leadership, where you are leading a small working group, (2) Operational leadership, where you are leading a significant part of the business and with more than one team leader reporting to you, And (3) Strategic leadership, where you are responsible for leading the whole organization.
On the 20th of November 2014, John Adair will join, as keynote speaker, the most important event on leadership in Romania: “How to grow leaders – Romania”. The event will take place at the Novotel Hotel and it will be an exclusive opportunity for around 250 HR managers, “C” level executives and leaders from the business community to embark on a learning experience about the fundamental truths of developing leadership knowledge. We asked several questions and John was kind enough to answer them for us.
A: My visit to Bucharest on 19th – 21th November will be the first time I have been in your country, and my first opportunity to discuss with Romanian leaders the immensely important subject of ‘good leadership and leadership for good’. I am greatly looking forward to sharing this time with you.
How to Grow Leaders: The Seven Key Principles of Effective Leadership Development,
Adair International
– Primul profesor de Leadership din lume la Universitatea din Surrey in 1979
– Autorul modelului ACL (Action Centred Leadership)
– Peste 40 de titluri pe teme de management si leadership
HR as champions of developing the future of leadership,
Director ITOL, 15 ani de conexiune intre succes si invatare
Premiere pentru Romania:
– 2008-Primul congres national de resurse umane din Romania, la Cluj;
– Prima scoala vocationala de resurse umane, acum HR Enterprise Balkan;
ACL - de la conducator de echipa la lider strategic,
Axioma Solutions
– Consultant si trainer acreditat Action Centred Leadership (Team Level, Operational) Strategic Level trained
– Autor al metodelor ROI 4X4, SCOP Business Presentation, Sales Value Model
– Certificari: PMP, Executive Coach, Comptia Project+
Descopera potentialul liderilor pentru rezultate predictibile,
Hart Consulting
– 13 ani de experienta de consultant, trainer, mentor, project manager in dezvoltare organizationala si leadership
– Specializare in psihologie organizational certificata in diferite metodologii de assessment si interventie
– Trainer format la Senecca College
Cum ne dezvoltam ca lideri prin Arte si Cultura,
Cum ne dezvoltam ca lideri prin Arte si Cultura
– Economist, EMBA, 24 de ani experienta in mediul de afaceri – Dupa o idee originala ce ii apartine, Erudio a lansat conceptul “Erisma Leadership Creativ”, primul concept de acest fel din Romania.